Introducing careUnify

Introducing CareUnify

CareUnify is a dynamic web-based patient management platform.

It collects and shares actionable patient information across data systems.  CareUnify promotes communication and care coordination for your organization. It doesn’t replace your electronic health records (EHR), but works as a complementary tool.  CareUnify connects to leading systems that integrates data with your current patient health records.

How CareUnify can work for you.

With CareUnify, you get alerts when you need to manage your patients.  The platform has a 360° panel view, which contains a dashboard for patient profiles.  The dashboard pulls together important information from many sources that can support your EHR care record.  This includes:

  • Value-based performance reports (quality gaps in care, total costs)
  • Transitions of care
  • Health information exchanges (admission, discharge, transfer, lab data)
  • High-risk and complex patient identification
  • Behavioral health and social determinants of health
  • Health plan analytics and claims information

The patient’s entire care team will be able to see the latest patient data in near-real time.